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To start this assignment, download this zip file.

The following guide pages cover material needed for this assignment:

Homework 1a — Introduction to Bit


Download the zip file listed above, extract its contents, and put the files into a folder called homework1a, inside of your cs110 folder. Your folder organization should look like this:

file organization for homework 1a

Notice that in this folder you have some Python files and then a directory called worlds. This directory contains worlds that Bit can operate in. When you see a line like this in a Python file:


this tells Bit to use the world called fix-me.start.txt inside of the worlds folder. It uses fix-me.finish.txt to check whether you reached the correct finishing world.

1. Fix me

You are given some code in Bit starts from a blank 5x3 world:

a blank 5x3 Bit world with bit in the bottom left

Bit should finish with a world that looks like this:

three green squares on the bottom, with one blue square on the top

Run the code in It will finish with a comparison error. Fix the error so the code runs correctly.

2. Fix me too!

You are given some code in Bit starts from a blank 5x3 world:

a blank 5x3 Bit world

Bit should finish with a world that looks like this:

a blue and red square in the bottom row, then a green and red square in the middle row

Run the code in It will show an error in the terminal. Fix the error so the code runs correctly.

Note: there are multiple errors in this file

3. Make me smile

You are given some starter code in Bit starts from a 7x6 world with just some eyes:

a 7 by 6 world with bit in the bottom left corner facing up, and two blue squares in the top left and right

Bit should finish with a world that has a completed smile:

the same world, but new blue squares in the shape of a smile

Write code in to complete the smile.

Note: you need the correct finishing position and direction for Bit as well!

4. Picasso

Now it’s your turn! Write a script called that draws whatever you want.

Follow the pattern we used in Lab 1a, Exercise 1, which shows how to start from an empty world. Use a world of size 8x8.

You can call your function anything you want, but a good name is picasso :-)



  • you have to move/turn/paint at least 20 times


Turn your Python files in on Canvas, which will link you to Gradescope.


Manual Grading

We love looking at your picasso submissions!

Make sure you read the style section of the Quality Code guide page.

In future homework assignments, we will grade you based on the other sections of the Quality Code guide page.
