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Here are some helpful resources to use during the class.


If you are starting the class late, please start working through all the material, starting with Unit 1.

If you are starting over with a new computer midway through the semester, here is how to get everything setup again:


  • Quality Code — Covers the basics of writing quality code.
  • Bit Reference — Covers the essentials of using Bit.
  • Python basics — Covers most of the material in Unit 2, but without Bit. Helpful if you need to revisit these concepts outside of Bit in subsequent units.
  • Python lists and tuples — Covers lists and tuples. This is mostly taught in Unit 3, though some pieces of this are taught later.
  • Hotkeys — Covers nifty keyboard shortcuts in Pycharm, as well as common terminal commands.


Important concepts

  • A tutorial on decomposition — Useful during unit 2 if you need a refresher on decomposition
  • Working with data — Useful during unit 3 if you need some help seeing how functions can work together when handling lists of data

Extra problems

Practice exams

Extra lectures