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To start this assignment, download this zip file.

The following guide pages cover material needed for this assignment:

New Colors

Bit can now paint some new colors! There are too many to keep track of, so you won’t use them directly. Instead, you’ll do something like the following:

color = bit.get_color()
paint_column(bit, color)

Homework 2d — Variables

1. Color bars

For this problem, Bit wants to make bars of color. For this starting world:

The bottom row has some colored squares

the ending world should look like this:

The rows with colored squares are turned into a bar of that color

There is a second world:

The bottom row has red squares seperated by blank sqaures, and the top left has a black row above which are blue squares

that Bit should turn into this:

The red squares are turned into red columns

The starter code is in

2. Wells and vines

For this problem, Bit wants to grow vines and fill wells. However, Bit doesn’t know what color the wells or vines should be until reaching a colored square. Bit lives in this world:

a path with colored squares, and holes on the left and right

Bit’s job is to grow each vine and fill each well:

Holes are filled in with the color of the colored squares

There is a second world that looks like this:

a path with colored squares, and holes on the left and right

When bit is done, the world will look like this:

Holes are filled in with the color of the colored squares

The starter code is in

3. More lines

Bit starts in a world with some incomplete lines in each row:

incomplete lines in each row, with the first and last square colored

Bit should fill all of the lines in each row:

all lines are complete in each row

There is a second world:

incomplete lines in each row

That Bit should turn into this:

all lines are complete in each row

The starter code is in



Manual Grading

Refer to the Quality Code guide page for detailed explanations and examples on each of these rubric criteria.


The intent of this assignment is for you to start to use variables, and that you write code that solves worlds of any size.

When a function has an additional argument (like color), it should use that argument somewhere within the function.

Make sure to follow the maximum indentation rule.
