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Using a debugger

As you continue learning to program, you will write larger programs, composed of many functions. When something goes wrong and your program does not work as you expected, you should use a debugger to help you find and fix the error. PyCharm has a built-in debugger that we will show you how to use.

The two most important things you will learn from CS 110 that will help you throughout your career:

(1) Decomposing programs
(2) Using a debugger

A demo program

To learn how to use a debugger, we are going to work with the following program. Put this program into a file called in your unit3 folder:

def get_name():
    name = input('Hello, what is your name? ')
    return name

def get_age():
    age = input('And what is your age? ')
    return age

def print_message(name, age):
    print(f'{age} years ago, {name} was born!')

def main():
    name = get_name()
    age = get_age()
    print_message(name, age)

if __name__ == '__main__':

Run this program and you should see something like this:

The program asks for a name (Lord Voldemort) and an age (96) and then prints "96 years ago, Lord Voldemort was born!"

How does this program work? Python goes through the following steps:

  • runs the main block inside if __name__ == '__main__'
  • runs the main() function
  • runs the get_name() function, which returns a name that is stored in name
  • runs the get_age() function, which returns an age that is stored in age
  • runs the print_message() function, which uses name and age to print the message you see

The PyCharm debugger

To use the PyCharm debugger, you will want to create a breakpoint, which is a place to stop and examine your program. You can choose any line of code in your program and tell the debugger stop here, I want to see what is going on.

You create a breakpoint in PyCharm by clicking just to the right of a line number.

In your code, click next to line 16 to create a breakpoint. PyCharm shows the breakpoint as a red dot:

a red dot next to line 16

Now click the green triangle in the main block, like you would if you were going to run the program, but instead select Debug:

selecting 'Debug'

This will open the debugging window at the bottom of the screen:

PyCharm debugging window

Meanwhile, the main window shows that Python has run your program, but then stopped when it got to line 16:

Pycharm main window stopped at line 16, which is highlighted

The function stack

The debugger window shows you a stack of the functions your program is currently using. They are ordered from most recent on the top to oldest on the bottom:

a list of two functions that the program is currently using, under "MainThread"

The top function listed, main is the function your program is currently in, which is where we set the breakpoint.

Click on the bottom function listed, module:

clicked on 'module'

and the top window will change to show you that this is where Python started running your code, on line 22:

Pycharm was in the main block, with line 22 highlighted

Python ran your main block, executed line 22, and in doing that, saw that it needed to run main().

Now click main in the function stack, and you will back to main() on line 16.

Stepping over

In the debugging window, you will see some useful buttons on the top:

buttons to go to the current line (three bars), step over(angled arrow), step in(downwards arrow), step out(upwards arrow)

Click the step over button. This will execute line 16. You will see the function stack go blank, with a small yellow circle and arrow symbol by the Console tab:

PyCharm is waiting for input

Click on the Console tab, and you will see that that Python is in the middle of running line 16, which calls the get_name() function. That function uses input(), and the console is waiting for you to type something.

Pycharm console window

Type in a name and press enter. If you click back to the Debugger window, you will see whatever you typed is now stored in the name variable:

Pycharm debugger window shows name variable

You will also see the main window has advanced and the debugger is now on line 17:

Pycharm highlighted line 17

You will also see that the value of the name variable is shown to the right of line 16.

You can see literally everything that Python is doing when it runs your code! :-)

Stepping into

Now click the step into button in the debugger window.

buttons to go to the current line (three bars), step over(angled arrow), step in(downwards arrow), step out(upwards arrow)

This will run line 17 of your code. Line 17 tells Python to run the get_age() function. Since you clicked step into, PyCharm will take you to the first line of get_age(), which is line 7 of the code:

Pycharm on line 7

Python has not yet executed line 7. It is sitting there telling you that this is the next line of code it will execute.

Notice that the function stack in the debugger window shows that you are now in the get_age() function:

Pycharm function stack, with three functions now

PyCharm has added a function to the top of the stack, to keep track of where you have been while you run the program, and where you are now. You can click on any one of these functions to see the path your program took to this point.

Console and debugger side-by-side

You don’t have to constantly click back and forth between the debugger window and the console window. Click on the console tab and drag it over to the far right of the debugger window:

Pycharm debugger and console windows side-by-side

This will make it easier to see everything that is going on.

Some more debugging

Now click the step over button another time. This runs line 7, which asks for input:

Pycharm console waiting for input again

Type in your age and press enter. You will see that the age variable contains what you typed:

Pycharm age variable has what you typed

This is also shown in the main window:

Pycharm highlighted line 8

Step out

Now click the step out button.

buttons to go to the current line, step over, step in, step out

This will run all the rest of the code in get_age() and stop at the next line of the previous function — main() in this case:

Pycharm back to line 17 again

We are back to line 17, which is where we started before we pressed step into.

Return values

Look for a gear icon on the far left of the debug window. You may need to first click >> to see it. Click on the gear and then select Show Return Values:

show return values

Now press step over to execute line 17 and look at the return values area of the debug window:

return values

You can see the return values for every function that has been called.

Continue pressing step over and you will execute all of the rest of the program, one line at a time.

Review of stepping

Here is the difference between the different stepping buttons:

  • The step over button tells PyCharm to run the current line of code, including any functions that are listed, and show the result. Stepping over a line that includes a function means that function (and any functions it calls) gets executed as well, and you just see the end result.

  • The step into button tells PyCharm to run the current line of code, but if it includes a function, PyCharm will go into the function and stop at its first line. Note there is another step into button to the left of the one that is circled. Don’t use that one — it will step into the code of any libraries you use, which is usually not helpful if you are only concerned about your code.

  • The step out button tells PyCharm to run as many lines as needed to get to the previous function in the stack. The debugger window shows you the current stack of functions, so this button stops at the next line of code in the function that is the second one from the top.

More useful buttons

There are three useful buttons on the left of the debugging window:

three buttons at the left of the debugging window

  • restart is helpful if you want to restart the debugging process all over again

  • stop is great if you just want to stop debugging, hopefully because you found your bug and know how to fix it

  • resume will run the rest of your program and will only stop if it reaches another breakpoint.

You can set multiple breakpoints in your program and then use resume to jump between them.

A “real” bug

Let’s see how everything works when we are tracking down a “real” bug. Modify your program so that the get_name() reads like this:

def get_name():
    name = input('Hello, what is your name? ')
    name = 'Harry Potter'
    return name

Debug your program again (or click the restart button). Click the step over button to execute line 17:

get_name always returns Harry Potter

No matter what you type, the get_name() function always returns 'Harry Potter'. This means we need to debug get_name().

  1. Click and put a breakpoint at line 2.
  2. Click the restart button. PyCharm should show your program stopped at line 17 as usual.
  3. Click the resume button. PyCharm will continue and then stop at your second breakpoint, on line 2.
  4. Click step over and enter a name.
  5. Click step over and watch the name variable change!

name variable overwritten

No matter what you typed as input, the name variable gets overwritten. You’ve found the bug!

The debugging process

Yes, this was a contrived example, but you can follow this debugging process reliably to find bugs:

  • put a breakpoint in your main function
  • step over every line, watching the variables and return values
  • as soon as something happens that you don’t expect, create a new breakpoint in the function that is not behaving properly
  • restart the debugging process and debug that function
  • keep debugging functions as needed

This will be a lot easier if you have decomposed your program into small functions!

Now you have a new super power!

captain marvel